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by CureMetrix

Our CMAudit is designed to provide a confidential and independent analysis of your mammography performance based on your historical data.

Our 3-Step Approach

We employ a simple 3-step process to quickly deliver the answers you are looking for in a secure and objective way:

  1. We work with your team to acquire a target set of mammography data for the CMAudit – typically a 1-year window that can coincide with your MQSA audit year. We also collect prior and follow-up images (plus basic information about the patient and diagnosis) that will enrich our analysis.

  2. We process the images using our platform and compare your outcomes against the results of our proprietary algorithm. Our CMAudit process provides a statistical analysis of your practice’s performance and helps identify areas for improvement for your clinical staff.

  3. We review our findings with you and your team so that you have a better understanding of the quality of your mammogram readings and provide you with a score showing how you compare to other practices.

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