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by Novarad

 A full cardio solution with CPACS/CVIS for structural and functional analysis

Novarad has partnered with EncaptureMD to create a complete CVIS solution for cardiology departments. With smart report building and complete diagnostic tools, such as a single-click workflow and vendor neutrality, NovaCardio will provide cardiologists with an end-to-end solution in an efficient and user-driven workflow. With specific tools for Echocardiography, Vascular Ultrasound, Nuc Med, ECGs, and Cardiac Cath integrated into an efficient workflow, Novarad’s Cardio solution is a complete, turnkey solution for Cardiology departments.



NovaCardio with the EncaptureMD™ Echocardiography Structured Reporting Application is the fastest way to create all types of echocardiography related reports. EncaptureMD Echo simplifies the documentation process and eliminates the need for transcription and dictation services which can take days until critical patient information is available to guide treatment and for billing purposes.


Vascular Ultrasounds

Vascular procedures are comprised of spectral and B-mode ultrasound, plethysmography, segmental blood pressure estimates, and numerous specialty procedures. EncaptureMD can import DICOM SR data from many US vendors, and then create complete accreditation-ready reports based on ICAVL and SVU standards.



Nuc Medicine

Nuclear Stress Testing is one of the most important tests used to screen for coronary artery disease (CAD). EncaptureMD can supplement existing nuclear viewers or view DICOM images via secondary capture, thereby allowing a single unified source for all Cardiology reports.

ECG Viewer

Now you can use the power of NovaCardio® ECG to read, annotate, manipulate, report and store ECG studies in CPACS.


  • Facilitates quick movement through worklist of studies

  • Alter machine generated diagnostic text, if desired

  • Superimpose leads

  • Sign and save

  • Move automatically to next study

  • Full PACS worklist functionality

  • Alter voltage and time

  • Display rhythm or single beat

  • Vertical, horizontal calipers

  • Compare priors

  • Conversion to DICOM is available

  • 12- and 15-lead resting

Cardiac Catheterization laboratories perform a wide variety of invasive and interventional procedures. EncaptureMD supports information management for all these procedures including clinical, research and business/statistical report creation and inventory management. Cath labs generate hemodynamic, X-ray, ultrasound and procedural data from common coronary arteriography studies to complex congenital cases. The end result is a report documenting the findings and interventions.


Novarad’s robust cardiologist viewer allows cardiologists to easily read and dictate reports, including the use of structured reporting. The viewer provides a user-friendly way to read with fast image viewing, advanced cine capabilities and functionality such as MIP, MPR, vessel metrics, calcium scoring, and other cardiology advanced visualization tools.

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